Biofoods from Spain offers the possibility of establishing collaborations between members of different sub-sectors, focusing on the export perspective.
This group is made up of 11 companies from the Spanish food sector, all of them with a strong export orientation and specialised products in the field of organic food.
Certificaciones ecológicas diversas y fiables
Nuestra misión es impulsar la sinergia entre agricultores, procesadores, distribuidores y mercados internacionales para promover la excelencia en la industria alimentaria española. Nos esforzamos por crear una red sólida y sostenible que fomente la producción, comercialización y consumo de alimentos orgánicos, respetando el medio ambiente y promoviendo la salud y el bienestar de los consumidores.
En BIOFOODS from Spain, buscamos expandir el alcance y la influencia de los productos ecológicos españoles en los mercados globales, cultivando relaciones duraderas y beneficiosas para todos los involucrados.
- Facilitar la exportación de productos ecológicos.
- Fomentar la producción, comercialización y consumo de alimentos orgánicos.
- Respetar el medio ambiente y promover la salud y el bienestar de los consumidores.
At BIOFOODS from Spain, we seek to expand the reach and influence of Spanish organic products in global markets, cultivating long-lasting and beneficial relationships for all involved.
We seek to be leaders in marketing, offering logistic solutions and exporting organic products, guaranteeing quality, sustainability and food safety.
We focus on diversifying international markets, identifying growth opportunities and establishing strategic alliances with key global partners. And on commitment to excellence.
Biofoods from Spain provides a space for companies that produce organic products and export experts to reflect, analyse and seek union to advance in internationalisation from a global perspective.
Ecological area in the world
Ecological area in Europe
Ecological surface in Spain
Global market for organic products in 2022
Global organic market grows year on year